Improve the planner's ability to use nested loops with inner index scans (Tom Lane)The new "parameterized path" mechanism allows inner index scans to use values from relations that are more than one join level up from the scan. This can greatly improve performance in situations where semantic restrictions (such as outer joins) limit the allowed join orderings.
postgres=# create table tst01(id integer);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# postgres=# insert into tst01 values(generate_series(1,100000));INSERT 0 100000postgres=# postgres=# create index idx_tst01_id on tst01(id);CREATE INDEXpostgres=#
postgres=# prepare s(int) as select * from tst01 t where id < $1;PREPAREpostgres=# explain execute s(2); QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Only Scan using idx_tst01_id on tst01 t (cost=0.00..8.38 rows=1 width=4) Index Cond: (id < 2)(2 rows)postgres=# explain execute s(10000); QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Only Scan using idx_tst01_id on tst01 t (cost=0.00..337.64 rows=10130 width=4) Index Cond: (id < 10000)(2 rows)postgres=# explain execute s(1000000); QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on tst01 t (cost=0.00..1693.00 rows=100000 width=4) Filter: (id < 1000000)(2 rows)postgres=# explain execute s(100000); QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on tst01 t (cost=0.00..1693.00 rows=100000 width=4) Filter: (id < 100000)(2 rows)postgres=#
postgres=# create table tst01(id integer);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into tst01 values(generate_series(1,100000));INSERT 0 100000postgres=# create index idx_tst01_id on tst01(id);CREATE INDEXpostgres=# prepare s(int) as select * from tst01 t where id < $1;PREPAREpostgres=# explain execute s(2); QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on tst01 t (cost=626.59..1486.25 rows=33333 width=4) Recheck Cond: (id < $1) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tst01_id (cost=0.00..618.26 rows=33333 width=0) Index Cond: (id < $1)(4 rows)postgres=# explain execute s(10000); QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on tst01 t (cost=626.59..1486.25 rows=33333 width=4) Recheck Cond: (id < $1) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tst01_id (cost=0.00..618.26 rows=33333 width=0) Index Cond: (id < $1)(4 rows)postgres=#